Pandora Sale evolution and outline

1 light of hope at the end of tunnel 1 light of hope at the end of tunnel I'm a new reader of nation's geographic.My interest is more on history, world evolution like discoveries of new animal species and other connected articles.I had read several articles on prehistory human ancestry that trigger hot debate in my head. Based on skull founded on the famous 7 million yr old touma fossils that was founded in chad(Its in africa okand most of these bits of information are mostly from africa)Of 2001, widely thought of as the oldest from the human family, perhaps have belonged to a line of non hybrids that died out, and were not human ancestry and family history at all.This great article said that human ancestor(Of chimp hominid creature walking on 2 legs)May interbreed with chimp near to 5.4 million rice. There are many fossils scattered over the world that may believed to be human ancestor.But are those bones indicating the true modern human ancestry? Breakdown of Pandora Sale evolution and outline: Australopithecus species is a hominid creature walking on 2 legs while homo species lived much later than australopithecus but their skull and skeleton feature are more in order to modern human.Already learned increase your website's traffic fireaustralopithecus africanus 2 millions Pandora Jewellery years ago probably descendant of lucy.Homo habilis 1.5 2 million yrs ago.Self taught themselves using stone tools. (I still find it called stone age).Was thought direct ancestor to homo erectus but these people much more similar to modern human than homo erectus.Homo erectus possibly the nearest to modern human lived between 1.7 million years in the past till 500, 000 in years past.Used in kenya and china.The skull that was found in china also called as as peking man.There are a couple discrepancies comparing the 2 skulls.Scientist believes all of them came from same linage.Homo ergaster very little known about these species but their skull has the nearest resemblances to homo sapiens than homo erectus do.I never found any scientist said until this species is descendant of homo habilis.Were living about same time with homo erectus.Homo floresiensis recognized in indonesian island lived 200, 000 years ago commonly known as ebu gogo race.Hobbit size hominid beings.Possibly not the direct ancestor of modern human.Homo sapiens neanderthalensis neanderthal girls:They lived in europe and eu asia around 129, 000 29, 000 a long time ago.Brain size of these neanderthal has a smaller footprint;Brow ridge about the eyes are larger compared to modern humans.Modern humans could not have evolved from neanderthals based on the pelvic and torso inacucuracy between the two species.This business had no waist at all they were compact, dwarfy like creatures. But this fact contradict using Pandora Silver Beads what i read in 'the greatest journey' national geographic magazine march 2006 edition. To be able to 200, 000 yr old skull, the oldest modern human founded in omo kibish.Which means modern human lived same time with neanderthal and hobbits. Nobody can tightly prove that current modern human(Homo sapiens)Infiltrate from homo erectus or homo ergaster.In africa alone and spread globally, then what went down to homo erectus that lived in china?Let's suppose homo erectus in china also mutate/evolve into something?If this occurred, the mutation/evolution will not be similar compared to other areas because of different adaptation of local area and where are they now?How we could explain modern human skeletons that found scattered all over the world is same linage from africa not from china? The important fact is all skeletons throughout the world, how old these folks, are same connections where they come from.Which it means human only derived from a single parent.Now, after a lot more 200, 000 a few days or so, modern human don't mutate/evolve like lucy and other chimp humanoid creatures did millions a long time ago.Or maybe is it still prematurily.ToChange?Or maybe we any longer!Change? Its not our choiceToChange/mutate/evolve.All we do is get used. My last question to researchers is when were adam and eve lived?What precious time? I think if scientist and religious philosophers and archeologist sit and work together they can understand human ancestry and history in the process.This must be interrelate properly.I'll do some leg work on this.